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  • PowerAcquire Team

What Is An Already Established Online Business?

An established online business is one that has been around for at least a year, has a significant volume of traffic, and has built up a following of loyal customers.

It's not just about the number of visitors; it's about how many of those visitors are returning on a regular basis. A site that sees 10,000 visitors per month is not necessarily more established than one that gets 5,000 visitors per month if only 2% of those visitors return each month.

Established businesses have also usually developed some type of niche product or service. They've created something that people really want, which makes it easier for them to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back for more.

An established online business is also likely generating revenue from its products or services. It might be making money through advertising or affiliate sales, dropshipping or other e-commerce models, subscription and SaaS services, etc. and at least some portion of its revenue comes from its core offerings.

Most established online businesses are ones that have been around for several years, have a proven track record of success and growth, and have been able to build up a solid reputation within the marketplace.

These established businesses inherently hold a lot of value and can be sold for a multiple of revenue, or in some cases, net profit. Some established online businesses have a solo owner and operator while others have contractors and virtual assistants helping run the operation.

To buy or sell an online business, reach out to the PowerAcquire team today.

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